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Satisfacción del paciente 2024

Pacientes encuestados


Porcentaje de satisfacción


Porcentaje de recomendación


Porcentaje de satisfacción promedio todos los servicios

What is it?

The Association of Users is a group of affiliates of the contributory and subsidized regime of the General System of Social Security in Health, who have the right to use some services of savalanche, in accordance with its affiliation system, which will ensure the quality of the service and defense of the user.

What's your objective?

The Users Association is an intermediary mechanism between users and the Astorga Oncology Clinic. In this sense, it will carry out the following actions:

  • Advise, explain and inform users about the benefit plans, the services provided by the Clinic and the requirements to use them, the schedules, rates and other regulations so that users can access them freely.

  • Maintain interpersonal communication channels and by the most effective means to know the concerns, demands and suggestions of the users regarding the quality, opportunity, hours and rates of the services, this in order to present them to the directives of the institution for be taken into account in decision making.

  • Oversee the quality and opportunity of services, financial management and other aspects of the Clinic.

  • Serve as interlocutor between management and users to generate actions aimed at improving the quality of services that respond to the needs of users.

  • Maintain communication channels with affiliates that allow their concerns and demands to be known in order to make proposals before the boards of directors of the Clinic.

  • Propose measures that improve the opportunity, technical and human quality of health services.

  • Address user complaints to ensure that corrective measures are taken.


Legal framework

  • Decree 1757 of 1994: by which the modalities and forms of social participation in the provision of health services are organized and established.

  • Resolution 2063 of 2017: adopts the Social Participation Policy in Health (PPSS), and establishes the obligation for the IPS to develop an action plan that allows its progressive implementation in the different territorial and institutional areas to promote the development of participation exercises and social control, seeking to protect the rights of users.

  • Circular 008 of 2018: it is addressed to the Benefit Plan Administration Entities -EAPB including the Adapted Entities and the Special and Exception Regimes to the Health Service Provider Institutions, Territorial Entities and legal entities interested in operating the insurance in health and manage the resources destined to guaranteeenforce the rights of the affiliated population within the framework of the General System of Social Security in Health.

Monitoring and evaluation

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection and in the entities of the sector at the national and territorial level at the level that falls within their competence will carry out the follow-up and evaluation of the PPSS that allows identifying the scope, achievements and lessons learned from it. For this reason, we annually guarantee the planning and execution of activities, as well as the management reports of the previous year. At the Astorga Oncology Clinic we are committed to our users, their families, caregivers and the general public.  

If you are interested in joining our association, write to us

María Lucia Álvarez Restrepo
Presidenta de la Asociación de Usuarios


Girleza Gertrudiz Madrid Saldarriaga
Secretaria de la Asociación de Usuarios

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