At the Astorga Oncology Clinic, we accompany our patients at all times, from their admission to their discharge, to provide a service without delays, gaining time for their treatment.
We have an overall user satisfaction level of 99.2% and a service recommendation rate of 95%, but the most reliable proof of how they feel in our house are the smiles and the peace of mind of knowing they are in good hands.
This is the result obtained with the Comprehensive Cancer Care Program (PAIC), a comprehensive user-centered care model.
It can be said that there are key words that guide the achievements of this lighthouse called PAIC: quality, timeliness and relevance in treatment for cancer patients, increasing their satisfaction.
Competitiveness is also improved, which is reflected in relations with insurers and third-party payers.
All of the above is accomplished in the following manner:
Thinking through each step the patient must take to see how it can be expedited.
Promoting unified and consensual therapeutic behaviors for the management of cancer patients.
Promoting the timely initiation of treatments, avoiding reprocessing and waste of time.
Monitoring and controlling the evolution of the patient's disease, the treatments received and the adverse events derived from them.
Advancing the analysis of the information generated, which allows the traceability of the data and facilitates the research processes.
Providing continuous support to specialists, national or international patients and their families.
Offering Continuing Education to the Patient and Family. On topics ranging from what is cancer, what are the treatments, what to do with the side effects, managing emotions, alopecia and skin care, veins in chemotherapy and home care, among other topics necessary for their wellbeing.
Leading the Early Detection Program for Breast Cancer.
Promoting the Active Search Program for Patients with Tumor Diagnosis.
Being part of the referral and counter-referral service in contact with insurance companies.
Supporting the Research Unit in the process of detection and recruitment of potential candidates for research studies and supporting the follow-up of cases.
Ensuring the most appropriate means to meet the needs of users regarding quality, administrative, legal, technical and scientific conditions, fees, schedules, rights and duties in social security as part of the user support management.
The PAIC is our parent operating system, so it applies to both domestic and international patients, to people participating in our research studies, and is seen in every action of our care and support process.
The route is as follows:
It starts from the moment the patients are referred from the insurance companies.
It acts in sending and receiving the required documentation such as medical history, test results, among others.
These are reviewed by the liaison physician, who passes them through triage to continue their management at the Clinic.
After acceptance, the patient is assigned a first appointment with the corresponding specialist. It is worth mentioning that our waiting times for these appointments range from 3.5 to a maximum of 13 days, which is uncommon in our context.
The cases of patients admitted for the first time go through the coordination of the Tumor Committee.
Treatment with the interdisciplinary staff. This is accompanied by a judicious work of training the patient and his family to ensure appropriate care and adequate reactions to emergencies.
Constant follow-up of oncologic and hematologic patients until the end of their treatment.
Everything works as a gear designed for agility and to avoid reprocessing, thus we find concrete actions such as timely information to the patient about each step; anticipate possible documents and keep them in the institution to avoid losses; chronologically order the medical records to facilitate the processes; enter the cases to medical committee; detection of patients for research help; the assignment of appointments within the clinic does not take more than six days, if there is record of other times is due to external processes; among other strategies contemplated by the PAIC to provide the best service without delays.
This model is unique and has been effective in keeping our indicators up, process health and decongestion, treatment timeliness and safer patients.
Always with you.